If Easy Recipe isn't working for you, or not working as you expect, we're keen to help.
But it's difficult for us to resolve problems without knowing quite a bit about the environment Easy Recipe is running in on your server.
To help us diagnose any problems you might have, this page gathers information about your server and your Wordpress configuration and sends it to us.
We don't collect any personal information, just geeky system setup details.
Click here to see the data that will be sent. We only use this information to resolve issues with Easy Recipe and we delete it once it's no longer needed for that purpose.
Your email address |
Optional. We'll reply to this address if appropriate |
Tell us about the problem |
![]() We'll get back to you as soon as we have an answer. The send failed. Try again and if you continue to have problems, email us at: support@orgasmicchef.com |
Wordpress version | #wpversion# |
Current user capabilities | #wpcapabilities# |
Blog URL | #wpurl# |
Current theme | #wptheme# |
Theme version | #wpthemeversion# |
Theme URL | #wpthemeurl# |
Plugin | Activated | Version | URL |
Hook | Priority | Function |