=== hRecipe === Contributors: doolin Tags: recipe, recipes, recipe seo, hrecipe, editor, microformat, microformats, microformatting, unobtrusive javascript, unobtrusive, javascript, food, cooking, food preparation Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.3 Stable tag: 0.6.1 Use hRecipe for creating Google Rich Snippets, for leveraging SEO results, and for attractively displaying your recipes. == Description == hRecipe gives you fast, efficient recipe formatting... with an SEO advantage. Your recipes look good, and people searching for recipes are attracted to Google Rich Snippet recipe display, which can mean better clickthrough to your blog. Make sure to stop by the hRecipe home page: [Food Blogging and Recipe SEO](http://hrecipe.com/) = Supporters = Each of the following people have donated to help hRecipe to continue development: * Tamara R * Commercial sponsorship from Yummly dot com. Thanks guys! * Theresa Carle-Sanders http://islandvittles.com * Susan Voisin http://http://sbvdesigns.com/ and http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/ * Anon: http://transcriptionconnections.com/ * Anne Bender: http://annebender.com/ * Branson Sparks: http://bransonsparks.com/ * Lizzy R: http://mpdcooks.com/ Many thanks! = Translators = This is a partial list of translators. * Roberto Koci http://robertokoci.com/ for the Hungarian translation. * Rene from WP Web Shop sent in a native Dutch translation. * Russian translation courtesy of Fat Cow web hosting * Jean-Philippe Daigle sent in the French translation http://friendfeed.com/jpdaigle * Danish translation coming from http://www.kokkekniven.com/ Kristian Petersen * Thanks to Carsten Peters http://www.rodrigues-peters.com/ for Brazilian Portuguese and German translations. I know there are more. If you weren't listed, contact me, I'll add you in. Note: I was contacted in October 2011 by the plugin team at Automattic and requested to remove a specific translation link. Automattic is concerned that translations are being provided to obtained valuable SEO backlinks. As a result, I'm delinking all commercial links from the hRecipe plugin. If your company provided a translation and you want it removed as a result, I'll be happy to do that, just let me. = Contributors = * Anu Kumar of the The Spicy Yatra sent some options coding for Vietnamese and Marathi cuisine. * Javascript for post boxes fixed, courtesy of MicroMedia Websites = How hRecipe benefits you = The magic happens using "microformats," technology invisible to you, but friendly to search engines. The hRecipe plugin shows a popup windows with text fields and text areas that allow the author to conveniently enter the various parts of the hRecipe microformat, then inserts a formatted recipe into the page or post. The formatting has the hRecipe class specifications. There is a growing list of options to control how your recipes are displayed: * Ingredients lists formatting can be either by number or by bullet point. * The background color of the formatted recipe can be specified to match or offset the background color of the enclosing web page. * The display text for many sections of recipes may be specified. * International support is growing rapidly. == Installation == 1. Unzip the plugin into your wp-content/plugins/ directory. It should automatically create an hrecipe/ subdirectory. 2. In your WordPress admin page, go to the Plugins section and Activate the "hRecipe" plugin. 3. When you go to "Write Post" or "Write Page", click on the knife and fork icon to pop-up a simple form. (Or hRecipe button for text formatting) 4. Fill in the fields of the form. 5. Click Insert and the contents of the fields will be inserted into the page or post you were composing, but marked up using the hRecipe microformat. == Changelog == = 0.6.1 = * More unit testing for recipe formatting. * Updated Quicktags code for WP 3.3 improvements. * Updated the hrecipe options dashboard css to leverage native WP styling. = 0.6.0 = * Recipe entry form now routed through native WP media box functions, resulting in less code for hrecipe and better future proofing. An annoying undefined index problem was solved with this as well. * Many small code cleanups committed. * Application layout restructuring to put files in appropriate places. = = * Blunder: Forgot to add `hrecipe_launch.js` to repository for Now added. = = * Moved css styling into for entry navigation into editor css file. * Removed custom styling for thickbox tabs in favor of WP-builtin. Looks the same, easier to maintain. * Started splitting out Javascript, turning it into UJS with some jQuery help. * localized page hook to get postbox handling into UJS. * Change class `mealtype` to `recipeType`, which is supported by rich snippets. * Fixed a css problem where hrecipe `div.inside` was overriding WP native css. Thanks to Tom Coady (http://web-tart.co.uk/) for pointing this out and suggesting the fix. * Added nutrition information with calories, fat and protein. * User-derived custom css now works. = = * Closing donations for now, will reopen later. = = * Added some padding before and after the hrecipe div block to help with TinyMCE visual editor * Fixed a postbox handling bug * Source cleanup, removed superfluous functions, obsolete commented out sections, etc. * Extended options handling to save existing user options and merge with newly defined options. = = * More UJS cleanups. Started removing custom javascript code in favor of future proofing with WordPress builtin code. * Better descriptions added for readme and plugin source file. * New screenshots explaining new data entry one per line for ingredients and instructions. = = * Settings link now fixed to work from Plugins page. = = * Default options loading now fixed. = 0.5.8 = * Split duration into preparation and cooking time for better Google Rich Snippets = = * Removed alert = 0.5.7 = * Big rewrite on the options page handling code. * Instructions list formatting bug fixed. * Updated recipe entry UI thickbox, 3 pages instead of 4, insert on every page. = 0.5.6 = * Added http://yummly.com to supporters list, first commercial supporter. * Add Theresa Carle-Sanders (http://islandvittles.com) to supporters list. * Fixed a type in a javascript function. * Closed the ul in the new feed creator. * Fixed a bad assignment: `if ($rss = fetch_feed(...))` This anti-pattern was copied from a famous plugin developer. = 0.5.5 = * Added Susan Voisin http://http://sbvdesigns.com/ and http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/ to supporters * Updated from rss to simplepie feed reader * Fixed index error associated with null index in GET for donation support * Updated css to match current WordPress media popup for tabs, much cleaner now * Synchronised bottom button navigation with sidemenu tabs * Reorganized the bottom button navigation * Many miscellaneous little cleanups, check the diffs for details = = * Scripting cleanup including s/$/jQuery/ and enqueueing script with variables now localized. = = * Changed Plugin URI to point to http://hrecipe.com/ * Spiffy new icon for visual editor * Javascript cleanup, removed php calls for future script enqueue. = = * Fixed a broken link for http://annebender.com = = * Donation from http://transcriptionconnection.com/ * Removed redundant Javascript code for recip.ly. = = * Added icons for various RSS feeds in the admin interface. * Started http://recip.ly integration. = 0.5.4 = * hRecipe formatting now displays properly in Google Rich Snippets. Thanks to Michael Allen Smith for investigating ad proposing a fix. (Credits coming.) = = * Reworked the administration interface, postbox toggled and dragging now work * Added news feeds, thanks yoast.com! = = * Skipped. = = * Forgot, will need to look at revision history. = = * Fixed path typo = 0.5.3 = * Restructured WordPress options table handling. * Fixed "Tested up to:" tag. = 0.5.2 = * Added Italian translation courtesy of Manuel Seschi (Scrumptious: http://www.ghiottone.org/) * More cleanups. = = * Removed hrecipeinput.php and hrecipe_options.php, this code has been moved to view. = * Fixed Stable tag for release. = 0.5.1 = * Integrated inheritance from plugin base class using Redirection code. * Added Paypal donate button. = = * Added options page screen icon. = = * Extensive updates for readme.txt * All new screenshots * Swedish translation from no1troca (no link given). = 0.5 = * MicroMedia Websites http://micromediawebsites.com (Exceptional Website Design Services) rewrote the CSS and Javascript using JQuery to support a new editing interface. * Updated hRecipe web pages. * Added more help text in the options page. = 0.4.4 = * Added options for Variations. * Added a load of text formatting options * Separated style, structure and labeling. * Javascript for post boxes fixed, courtesy of http://micromediawebsites.com = = * Added Quick Notes section. = = * Changed from image stars to html char stars. These can be styled with css. * Commented out FirePHP code until it's bracketed for conditional execution. = = * Fixed a php variable bug. = 0.4.3 = * Cleaned up css handling, more modern now. * Added Settings link to plugin entry. = = * Default enclosure is now a