=== Plugin Name === Contributors: wpxue,ym99 Tags: php,widget Stable tags:trunk Requires at least: 2.8 Tested up to: 3.0.1 == Description == This plugin adds a new widget called PHP Widget, which will allow you to include PHP code, you can have Text, HTML, Javascript, Flash and/or PHP code wordpress template tags as content or title in this widget. So, as long as you want, it can do everything, that is greatful. == Installation == 1. Upload the folder wp-php-widget to the `/wp-content/plugins/ 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Navigate to Appear > widget > PHP widget you will see PHP widget ,Use the widget like any other widget. when you add the PHP widget ,you will see help. == Help? == when you add the PHP widget ,you will see help. ==Usage . example== ` title: code:


title:url test code:


title:title code:


title:video code: title:New Posts最新文章 code: title:Rand Posts随即文章 code: title:orderby comments评论排行 code: title:new comments最新评论 code: title:postviews热门文章 code: title:Time加载时间 code: queries in s. ` etc You can have Text, HTML, Javascript, Flash and/or PHP code as content or title in this widget. So, as long as you want, it can do everything, that is greatful. == Screenshots == 1. The widgets screen showing a PHP widget in use. 2. PHP widget . == Changelog == = 1.0.2 = fixed usage,add help link = 1.0.1 = add usage code = 1.0.0 = create PHP widget