=== jQuery Lightbox For Native Galleries === Contributors: Viper007Bond Tags: lightbox, jquery, gallery Requires at least: 2.6 Tested up to: 3.1 Stable tag: trunk Makes the native WordPress galleries use a lightbox script called ColorBox to display the fullsize images. == Description == Makes the native WordPress galleries use a lightbox script called [ColorBox](http://colorpowered.com/colorbox/) to display the fullsize images right there in the page. No modifications required. You can also make single non-`[gallery]` images use the lightbox by giving their links a class of "lightbox", like so: `...` **Demo** A demo is available at [this plugin's homepage](http://www.viper007bond.com/wordpress-plugins/jquery-lightbox-for-native-galleries/). == Installation == Log into the administration area of your blog and click on Plugins -> Add New in the menu. Search for the name of this plugin and then click install on the right side, and then again in the pop-up window. == ChangeLog == = Version 3.2.2 = * Update ColorBox to v1.3.14 (see [it's changelog](http://colorpowered.com/colorbox/core/README)). Fixes functionality under WordPress 3.1. = Version 3.2.1 = * Update ColorBox to v1.3.8 (see [it's changelog](http://colorpowered.com/colorbox/core/README)). = Version 3.2.0 = * Make any link that has the class `lightbox` into a lightbox. No grouping or anything, at least for now. = Version 3.1.4 = * Don't change the attachment link inside the admin area. = Version 3.1.3 = * Update ColorBox to v1.3.6 (see [it's changelog](http://colorpowered.com/colorbox/core/README)). = Version 3.1.2 = * Remove IE PNG fixes as they require a full URL and it's not worth the trouble. Works well enough in IE8. * Change how groups of images are labeled (use a random number rather than the gallery's ID so it works with the Twenty Ten theme). = Version 3.1.1 = * Update ColorBox to v1.3.4. = Version 3.1.0 = * Update ColorBox to v1.3.3. * Include all five of the default ColorBox themes and add a settings page to pick between them. * Change the lightbox maxwidth and maxheight to 95% as I think it looks better. = Version 3.0.2 = * Don't do anything inside of feeds (i.e. modify the thumbnail links). = Version 3.0.1 = * Fix spelling mistake on the ColorBox style ID. = Version 3.0.0 = * Switch the awesome [ColorBox](http://colorpowered.com/colorbox/). It looks pretty and does large image resizing. Yay! = Version 2.0.1 = * Remove an extra comma that was breaking stupid Internet Explorer. Props [Troy](http://troycawley.com/). = Version 2.0.0 = * Switched lightbox scripts as I was unhappy with the previous one. = Version 1.1.0 = * Update jquery_lightbox package. It now supports resizing images that are too large as well as not disabling IE6 support. * Makes the lightbox gallery-aware, i.e. don't allow next/prev between image sets. Thanks to Benjamin "balupton" Lupton! = Version 1.0.1 = * Better WordPress 2.6 support (i.e. when you have a moved plugins directory). = Version 1.0.0 = * Initial release. == Upgrade Notice == = 3.1.3 = Works properly in Internet Explorer now and compatible with more WordPress themes. ColorBox script also updated. = 3.1.2 = Works properly in Internet Explorer now and compatible with more WordPress themes.