=== Social Like Box and Page by WpDevArt === Contributors: smplug-in Tags: facebook like box, Facebook like box widget, like box, Facebook Page, Facebook Requires at least: 2.9 Tested up to: 6.2 Stable tag: 0.8.42 WordPress Facebook Like box plugin will help you to display like box on your website, just add our plugin widget to your sidebar and use it. Also you can use our plugin on your pages/posts and create fan page popup for your website. == Description == WordPress Facebook Like box or page plugin is an awesome tool to show your visitors your Fb fan page. At the same time it's very useful, because you will get new users who will like your website on Fb. This plugin is important part of social optimization, that's why a lot of people use our plugin on their websites. It's very easy to use, you just need to install the plugin and add the plugin widget to your sidebar and set some settings(Page ID, width, height ...). Also you can use it on your pages/posts and create fan page popup for your website. ### View the Facebook page plugin Demo page: [Demo Page](https://demo.wpdevart.com/facebook-like-box-demo) ### Features of free version: * **User friendly and easy to use** * **Tested with other popular plugins** * **Tested with WordPress popular themes** * **Ability to set width** * **Ability to set height** * **Ability to change language** * **Ability to add in posts/pages using shortcode button** * **Ability to add Popup** * **Ability to add Sticky box** * Height * Title * Title color * Title Font family * **Ability to Show/Hide Friends Faces** * **Ability to Select Header size** * **Ability to show/hide cover photo** You can upgrade our free plugin to WpDevArt [Facebook like box Pro](https://wpdevart.com/wordpress-facebook-like-box-plugin) to add more features. ### Features of Pro version: * **Ability to show posts from your Fb page.** * **Ability to set border color.** * **Ability to show/hide border.** * **Ability to display Popup on Home, Post, Page, Everywhere.** * **Ability to type seconds when popup will appear.** * **Ability to use all options of Sticky box.** * **39 awesome animation effects for Widget and Post/Page** * **Premium Support** ### Below you can see some important features of our plugin ### Responsive design Our plugin is mobile friendly, it means it will work without issue on mobile and other devices as well. ### Popup You can display this plugin in Popup window.It is very important option and most of users use this feature. We have some important options for this feature as well. ### Sticky box You can display the page plugin in Stickybox. Select the position, configure the other settings and use this nice feature as well. You can display it on left or right sides of your website. This is an unique view that our team made for our users. ### 39 animation effects(for widget, post/page) Try all animation effects and choose one of them or just use animation randomaly. Users like animations on website, it gives better view to your website. ### Ability to display everywhere You can display Facebook page plugin almost everywhere on your website. You can use the shortcode for displaying even in PHP code. **If you found any bug or have a question contact us at our plugin [SUPPORT FORUM](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/like-box).** == Installation == ### That's very simple: 1. Download our plugin. 2. Upload it from your admin panel and install it. 3. Then activate it. Now you can use it on your website. == Frequently Asked Questions == Our plugin is fully responsive, but here you can see some frequently asked questions that will help you. = Why my Like box is blank(I can't see my fan page) = 1. You didn't type the Fb Page ID correctly - Type in Page Id field your fan page url(without domain name, for example - uefacom). 2. Your fan page has private access and unsigned users can't see your fan page, so you must change it to public access. Take a look how change your Fb page to public access here - https://www.facebook.com/help/286027304749263. 3. Clear your website cache(If you use cache plugin, then just clear the cache from your plugin). = Can I use the plugin only on several pages = Yes, there is an shortcode button in posts and pages. = I have issues with Language settings = Contact us at our plugin [SUPPORT FORUM](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/like-box) and we will help to resolve the issue. = What files I need to upload for installing the plugin = You need to select the .zip file only, there is no need to extract the zip file, just upload it. = The pro version is one time pay or not = Yes dear users, you need to pay only one time for the pro version. = I purchased the Pro version, but didn't download the pro file = Contact us at support@wpdevart.com and we will send you the pro version. == Screenshots == 1. Front-end Screenshot 2. Front-end Screenshot 3. Front-end Screenshot 4. Front-end Screenshot 5. Back-end Screenshot 6. Back-end Screenshot 7. Back-end Screenshot == Changelog == = 0.5.0 = * Initial version. = 0.5.1 = * Edited titles of some fields = 0.5.2 = * Added a lot of useful features. = 0.5.4 = * Bug fixed. = 0.5.5 = * Bug fixed. = 0.5.6 = * Fixed issues. = 0.5.7 = * Bug fixed. = 0.5.8 = * Corrected some mistakes in code. = 0.5.9 = * Fixed issues. = 0.6.0 = * Fixed bug. = 0.6.1 = * Fixed bug. = 0.6.2 = * Corrected some mistakes in code. = 0.6.3 = * Fixed bug. = 0.6.4 = * Fixed issues. = 0.6.5 = * Corrected some mistakes in code. = 0.6.6 = * Fixed bug. = 0.6.7 = * Edit some text. = 0.6.8 = * Fixed mistakes. = 0.6.9 = * Fixed mistakes. = 0.7.00 = * Edit comments in code. = 0.7.01 = * Added comments in code. = 0.7.02 = * Change some option names. = 0.7.03 = * Fixed mistakes. = 0.7.04 = * Edit featured list. = 0.7.05 = * Corrected some comments. = 0.7.06 = * Fixed mistakes = 0.7.07 = * Fixed issues = 0.7.08 = * Edit featured list. = 0.7.09 = * Edit texts. = 0.7.10 = * Fixed issues = 0.7.11 = * Edit featured plugins. = 0.7.12 = * Remove image. = 0.7.13 = * Fixed issues = 0.7.14 = * Fixed mistakes. = 0.7.15 = * Edit admin options. = 0.7.16 = * Edit comments in code. = 0.7.17 = * Fixed issues. = 0.7.18 = * Edit admin options. = 0.7.19 = * Bug fixed. = 0.7.20 = * Edit comments in code. = 0.7.21 = * Change some option names. = 0.7.22 = * Change options descriptions. = 0.7.23 = * Fixed issues. = 0.7.24 = * Added comments in code. = 0.7.25 = * Change some options names and descriptions. = 0.7.26 = * Fixed issues. = 0.7.27 = * Edit texts. = 0.7.28 = * Change some option names. = 0.7.29 = * Fixed issue. = 0.7.30 = * Edited meaning of some codes. = 0.7.31 = * Made changes in code comments. = 0.7.32 = * Edited some texts. = 0.7.33 = * Made changes in install database. = 0.7.34 = * Edit comments. = 0.7.35 = * Added new link for pro version. = 0.7.36 = * Added comments in code. = 0.7.37 = * Bug fixed. = 0.7.38 = * Made changes in install database. = 0.7.39 = * Bug fixed. = 0.7.40 = * Edit featured image. = 0.7.41 = * Added comments in code. = 0.7.42 = * Edit files. = 0.7.43 = * Made changes in install database. = 0.7.44 = * Edit default values. = 0.7.45 = * Edit comments in code. = 0.7.46 = * Edit admin menu descriptions. = 0.7.47 = * Changed install database file. = 0.7.48 = * Added comments for developers. = 0.7.49 = * Added functions descriptions. = 0.7.50 = * Edit code comments. = 0.7.51 = * Edit functions. = 0.7.52 = * Made changes in code. = 0.7.53 = * Edit install database file. = 0.7.54 = * Edited some code descriptions. = 0.7.55 = * Added descriptions in code. = 0.7.56 = * Edited code function comments. = 0.7.57 = * Added some notices in code. = 0.7.58 = * Added descriptions in code. = 0.7.59 = * Edit featured image. = 0.7.60 = * Added comments for developers. = 0.7.61 = * Edit function comments for developers. = 0.7.62 = * Edit default values. = 0.7.63 = * Fixed bugs. = 0.7.64 = * Edit install database file. = 0.7.65 = * Added descriptions in code. = 0.7.66 = * Edit texts. = 0.7.67 = * Edit code. = 0.7.68 = * Added images. = 0.7.69 = * Edited and added texts in readme and in other files. = 0.7.70 = * Edit texts. = 0.7.71 = * Edit install database file. = 0.7.72 = * Edited functions texts. = 0.7.73 = * Edited descriptions for developers. = 0.7.84 = * Bug fixed. = 0.7.85 = * Bug fixed. = 0.7.86 = * Edited plugin name. = 0.7.88 = * Edited admin panel. = 0.7.89 = * Added new featured plugin. = 0.7.90 = * Added new featured plugin. = 0.7.91 = * New featured plugin added to the list. = 0.7.92 = * Added support URL in admin panel. = 0.7.93 = * Added post/page shortcode button. = 0.7.94 = * Fixed mistake in the featured plugins URL. = 0.7.95 = * Changed default parameters. = 0.7.96 = * Added Gutenberg function descriptions. = 0.7.97 = * Fixed spelling mistakes. = 0.7.98 = * Edit the featured plugin icon. = 0.7.99 = * Added featured plugins icons. = 0.8.0 = * Changed option description. = 0.8.01 = * Fixed admin menu option names. = 0.8.02 = * Fixed bug with the like box popup. = 0.8.03 = * Added new featured plugin to the list. = 0.8.04 = * Changed the admin menu icon. = 0.8.05 = * Some changes in the code. = 0.8.06 = * Edited the featured plugins list. = 0.8.07 = * Added new featured plugin. = 0.8.08 = * Changed URL from the admin menu. = 0.8.09 = * Added new icons for featured plugins. = 0.8.10 = * Changed the featured plugins page design. = 0.8.11 = * Fixed the widget option styles. = 0.8.12 = * Changed the style of the support button. = 0.8.13 = * Corrected some spelling issues. = 0.8.14 = * Corrected spelling mistakes of description texts. = 0.8.15 = * Bug fixed. = 0.8.16 = * Changed the popup option name and description. = 0.8.17 = * Corrected some options descriptions. = 0.8.18 = * Changed the Api version. = 0.8.19 = * New admin icon added. = 0.8.20 = * Admin page style changed. = 0.8.21 = * Admin page style changed. = 0.8.22 = * Option enabled for the free version. = 0.8.23 = * Added a new design for the featured plugin icon. = 0.8.24 = * Changed the popup default title. = 0.8.25 = * Changed the admin page title and style. = 0.8.26 = * Enabled an parameter for the free version. = 0.8.27 = * Changed admin menu icons. = 0.8.28 = * Fixed an error. = 0.8.29 = * Changed some texts. = 0.8.30 = * Corrected the functions descriptions. = 0.8.31 = * Edited some texts of the admin panel. = 0.8.32 = * Changed an option name. = 0.8.33 = * Changed some admin texts. = 0.8.34 = * Changed some options description texts. = 0.8.35 = * Some texts of the Sticky box section have been changed. = 0.8.36 = * Some texts have been changed. = 0.8.37 = * Some admin-side changes. = 0.8.38 = * Changed the sticky box options texts. = 0.8.39 = * Added information about the language. = 0.8.40 = * Fixed a vulnerability issue. = 0.8.41 = * Vulnerability issue fixed. = 0.8.42 = * Removed a featured plugin. ==Step by step guide== ### Adding to the sidebar. Install the plugin and add the widget to your sidebar. Then set the widget options. That's all, now your users can see your fan page on your widget. ### Adding in posts/pages using shortcode button. For adding it in your pages/posts you just need to click on our plugin shorcode button from your pages/posts. ### Adding Popup and Sticky boxes. You need to click on our plugin submenu from your admin panel menu. Then just set up options. ### Main options * Page ID: - Type here your fan page url(without https://www.facebook.com/, for example - uefacom). * Animation - Choose Animation type * Show/Hide border - Show/Hide border * Border color - Type the Border Color * Show/Hide latest posts - Show/Hide the latest posts * Width - Type width * Height - Type height * header - Show/Hide the header * Show/Hide Friends Faces - Choose to Show/Hide Friends Faces * Select Header size - Select Header size * Show/hide cover photo - Choose to show/hide cover photo * Language - Type the language code ### Popup options * Enable/Disable - Select to show or hide it * Display on - Select where to display it * Display periodicity - Select the display periodicity * Time to show - Type the time when it will appear * Width - Type here the width * Height - Type here the height * Title - Type here the title * Title color - Type here the title color * Title Font family - Choose the title Font family * Page ID - Type here your fan page url * Show/Hide border - Show/Hide border * Border color - Type the Border Color * Show/Hide latest posts - Show/Hide the latest posts * Show/Hide Friends Faces - Choose to Show/Hide Friends Faces * Select Header size - Select Header size * Show/hide cover photo - Choose to show/hide cover photo * Language - Type the language code ### Stickybox options * Enable/Disable - Select to show or hide it * Display on - Select where to display it * Position - Select the position * Height - Select the height * Page ID - Type here your fan page url * Width - Type here the width * Height - Type here the width * Button bg color - Type here the button background color * Border color - Type here the border color * Title - Type here the title * Title color - Select the title color. * Title Font family - Choose the Title Font family * Show/Hide Friends Faces - Choose to Show/Hide Friends Faces * Select Header size - Select Header size * Show/hide cover photo - Choose to show/hide cover photo * Show/Hide latest posts - Show/Hide the latest posts * Language - Type the language code ### Widget options * Title: - Type here the widget title * Page ID: - Type here your fan page url * Width: - Type here the width * Height: - Type here the height * Animation: - Choose Animation type * Show border: - Show/Hide border * Border Color: - Select the Border Color * Show latest posts: - Show/Hide the latest posts * Show/Hide Friends Faces: - Show/Hide Friends Faces * Select Header size: - Select Header size * Cover photo: - Show/hide cover photo * Language: - Type the language code **If you found any bug in our plugin or have a question contact us at our plugin [SUPPORT FORUM](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/like-box).** We tried to create the best Fb page plugin that you ever use. Maybe we missed some options or features that you need, so you can suggest any feature that you need and we will try to add it in future. Use our support forum on WordPress for any suggestion about new features.